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Photo Viewer for the
Chicago Torske Klub
Enclosed are photos of some of the events and dinners arranged as a "Photo
Album" page,
if your browser viewer is able to support the album program. Click on the photo
to see a larger view popup.
How to use this console:
- Choose the Category of Photos to View in the Dropdown list that says
"Choose a category..."
- The list at the left will fill with the titles of the photos for that
- Use the >> or << button to display the next or previous photo on the list.
The "Random" button displays a photo at random.
- The "Viewer Picture" buttons either displays the pictures in the area
above, or open up a new window for a full size picture.
- The "Slideshow" button displays a photo automatically, every 10 seconds
(or whatever value you enter). Use the "Photo Album" button to display the
photos yourself with the >> or << buttons.
- You can optionally search for a key word or phrase in the "Search
for a Photo" box. The "Find it!" button displays a list of qualifying photos.
Note that not all browsers will support this viewer.
This viewer is supplied by
http://www.kitykity.com . See that web site for terms and conditions of use.
For content comments or questions,
contact the
©2025 Chicago Torske Klub |